Brad doesn't have much of a life because he spends all his time sitting in front of a screen or sticking bits of wire into little black blinking boxes.. ..still he seems happy enough |
to Laurie Anderson and David Byrne/Brad/was found abandoned in a guitar
case as a baby outside the National Gallery in Canberra/.....was .raised
by gallery staff/ lulled to sleep under Van Gogh's "Starry
Night".........with no formal schooling Brad .... Brad believed
that the outside world existed mostly in silence except for short
sporadic whispers .....ooos from groups of children....his first words
were " my child of five could do better..".......for years
Brad didn't say a word.....but groaned or farted.....occasionally
whispering "show me the me the Monet..."this was
the real world for Brad....only ever aware of art /never laying eyes on
Ken Done....the gallery staff took such a liking to Brad that they made
him their mascot and refused to report him to the authorities/ covering
up periods of eternal crying as a new sound scape about the urgency for
the primal scream in a post industrial landscape...or that some had
punctured Piero Manzoni's can of artists shit again when someone
complained about the strange smell emanating through the gallery
corridors... .....and so began a life in the shadows.... |