YOUR broadway epic duet for counter tenor CHristopher Josey and MyleftVoice vocalist TIcot

email TIcot here  email Ticot here

....We are making the assumption you know what an mp3 is........a highly compressed audio file that's quicker to download than wave files......not quite Cd quality but.......reasonable nonetheless.

While " Your Body " has been well accepted as a dance track : recently Myleft voice recorded a couple of demos of this song at half time .........( this time without featured guest counter tenor Christopher Josey ).......
three versions have so far been recorded as well as a French version.....
....the word is that
Myleft voice will be releasing one of these versions on there first album......

we have been able to secure a demo of the French is called" Ton Corp "....
for a limited time we have  an mp3
interested?......CLick Here


NeWs HiStorY TiCoT bRad Francais DisCuSs Gig ShotS


 1999 Myleft voice.............All rights reserved .